Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Zen of Blog Postings

I'm not really sure why I'm starting this blog. I'd like to think that it will help me to exorcise the noisome chatterings of my mind, to give me an outlet to better process the million little profundities, oddities and banalities that run circles around me every day. Perhaps it will prove useful. Perhaps not. I suppose time will tell, and I'll either fill up this little website with catharsis, or it will disappear into the mass of lost electrons that sputter aimlessly in the ether-net; holding the half finished thoughts and stunted ambitions of the millions of other people who have decided to do exactly the same.

But if that becomes the case I guess it's no big deal. If a few sentences fall into the blogesphere, and there is no one to read them, do they exist at all. Or as the case would be for me, perhaps they never needed to exist.

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